We were delighted to be contacted by the Herald Newspaper recently to feature in their quarterly business magazine, Herald Business HQ.
Their Autumn 2019 edition focused on ‘Tackling the ticking timebomb of stress in the workplace.’
With stress, depression and anxiety now the leading cause of sickness in the UK, accounting for 11.7 million sick days 2015-2016 wellness is also a key focus for Benholm. Plants can be introduced to great effect – transforming ‘toxic’ lean office spaces into welcoming, productive spaces.
“Biophilic Design is fast becoming one of the most important design considerations of this century.” Read more…
A study involving academics from the University of Exeter, the University of Groningen and the University of Queensland found that plants can boost productivity by 15%. They say that it ‘increases employees’ work engagement by making them more physically, cognitively, and emotionally involved in their work.’It is also shown that the presence of plants in the office can:
Improve employees’ concentration
Improve air quality and thereby reduce sickness absence rates
Reduce stress
Reduce ambient noises
Make employees happier and more satisfied at work
To find out more, check out the Autumn edition here